SS 126 “South Western Sardinia”
new terrestrial link of the isthmus
with the island of S.Antioco and Circonvallazione S.Antioco

Customer: ANAS SpA
Client: IRCOP SpA

The objective of the project is the strengthening of the road network that serves Sant’Antioco through the construction of a new road link between the isthmus and the island of Sant’Antioco to replace the current one.
The intervention along the SS 126 dir is divided into two different functional interventions:

first functional intervention/ Bridge (from km 0+000 to km 1+944): demolition and construction of a new work of crossing along the SS 126 dir connecting with the island of Sant’Antioco.
second functional intervention (Ring road): construction of a new road of about 3.8 km of direct connection between the bridge over the isthmus and the existing SS 126 dir, which will avoid the compulsory crossing of the town of Sant’Antioco making the connection with the port of Calasetta more functional and smooth.